"Just about any time I am outside is A-OK
by me, but kayaking is such an amazing way to explore
the intimate details of my home… southern Puget Sound. I
majored in Recreation at Western Washington University,
focusing on sustainable tourism. As we liked to say in
our program, recreation is truly "Re-Creation" of the
mind, body and spirit, and although I don't know much
about meditation, kayaking is a very Zen experience for
Working with Washington State Search and
Rescue, Kari learned everything from teamwork skills to
leadership-under-stress to emergency backcountry
medicine. She truly loves being able to share the
outdoors with others, and finds herself simultaneously
passing along the knowledge and skills she has
accumulated over the years, as well as constantly adding
to them.
Favorite Kayaking Destination:
Very, very difficult to narrow down. I love the
classics, like Ketron Island and Nisqually Delta, but
paddling in amongst humpbacks and icebergs in Southeast
Alaska was pretty amazing too. One particular day in
Alaska, we started the day completely socked in with
thick fog, but could hear humpback whale blows just off
the shoreline. As we ventured out hopefully and the fog
began to lift, we realized that we were witnessing
80-100 humpback whales going absolutely crazy: two or
three breaching every 30 seconds, pec slaps, flukes,
young calves rising and blowing near us...the whole
group sat there on the water in complete silence for
about three hours.
Kayak trip: Greece, New Zealand, Costa Rica, all of
the Washington coast, Thailand… anywhere there's water,
really. I recently had the chance to paddle in Vietnam,
which was an incredible experience. If you've got a free
hour or three, I'll tell you about it.
Favorite Kayak:
I've been paddling the Northwest Kayaks
Discover quite a bit lately and love the roomy cockpit
and ample storage capability for my makeup bag and blow
dryer. Then I paddled the Wilderness Systems Tempest
165...perhaps a perfect boat has been designed. I love
the snug fit and the combination of tracking and
Currently Reading:
"Plants of the Pacific Northwest"- Pojar and MacKinnon
is always in my drybag. Essential to any outdoors nerd
such as myself. |